Altibase Inc. Announces One Quadrillion In-Memory Database Transactions Processed and Growing

Big Data is here to stay and the management of that data is a challenge, or is it? With its ability to process over 1.4 million transactions per second, Altibase Inc. does not think so. It is well known that a single millisecond can be worth millions. ALTIBASE HDB ™ defines itself in microseconds. Information strategy and data management solutions power business success. ALTIBASE HDB ™ delivers high performance in-memory computing solutions to extinguish latency bottlenecks for virtually all industries.

ALTIBASE HDB ™ with its hybrid architecture delivers the best of in-memory performance and on-disk size in a single unified engine. Speed alone is not enough. ALTIBASE HDB ™ with its built-in Replication and High Availability is also a world-wide leader in stability and reliability. “Of course we anticipated the highest performance from ALTIBASE HDB™. In regard to stability, ALTIBASE HDB™ has proven itself to go beyond our expectation.” Senior Developer, Samsung Securities

ALTIBASE HDB™ has solved a litany of problems in Telecommunications, Financial Services, Manufacturing and Government. “We are thrilled to announce passing one quadrillion transactions processed. Beyond that, we realize that this is only the beginning. Altibase Inc. is strongly positioned to solve the scaling needs of business and looks forward to dwarfing that number soon.” CEO, Altibase Inc.

In telecom, ALTIBASE HDB ™ has solved issues with Real Time Rating Systems (RTRS), Account Balance Management systems (ABM) and Online Charging Systems (OCS) for China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, SK Telecom and Ericsson, among many others. ALTIBASE HDB ™ allows telecom billing to be based per second on an individual subscriber basis. Billing, connect and disconnect services are now handled in real-time. ALTIBASE HDB ™ eliminates costly collection efforts, mishandled accounts and capital loss from batch latency.

ALTIBASE HDB’s ™ comprehensive database management solution has also tackled multiple problem areas for top financial services. ALTIBASE HDB’s ™ strengths in online trading, algorithmic trading, authentication, single sign-on, FX margin and options trading are trusted by the leaders in banking. E*TRADE, Solomon, Samsung Securities and several of the top Japanese investment banks, rely on ALTIBASE HDB ™ to give them their competitive advantage.

When lives are at stake, ALTIBASE HDB ™ is the choice for Ministries of Defense. Real-time munitions communication and location based services rely on ALTIBASE HDB’s ™ High Availability, speed and zero-tolerance for down time.

ALTIBASE HDB™ is also the backbone for quality control systems, yield management and central command for the manufacturing sector. Scrap and associated capital loss is now a thing of the past.

Big Data is here and Altibase Inc. is poised, ready and fully prepared to tackle the associated demands.

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