What is this so-called “indigenous technology” that is so compelling? 4월 30, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseDigital Times releases an article mentioning Altibase as one of the Korean companies with competitive prices and services that are going abroad.
KOTRA and Altibase collaboration in “Enterprise Brand Marketing” 4월 18, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase and KOTRA work hand-in-hand to create a global “Enterprise Brand Marketing” strategy.
ALTIBASE® HDB™ Version 6 Release 4월 12, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase hosts its release party for ALTIBASE® HDB™ at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Seoul, Korea
Altibase Version 6 Release 4월 12, 2012/0 Comments/in Events /by AltibaseAltibase released version 6 of ALTIBASE HDB, its hybrid database, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Seoul, Korea. Download a free evaluation today.
Sungkyungkwan University’s launch of the Smart TV SW Platform. 4월 11, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase participates in the development of the SW technology infrastructure services with Samsung Electronics.